Helix DNA testing reviews: Read what our users are saying

We love our users. So do our many great partners like National Geographic, Lose It!, and Dot One. And we’re happy to report that the feeling is mutual!
At Helix, our mission is to empower every person to improve their life through DNA—and we’re well on our way with over 30 incredible products in the Helix Store that can reveal everything from your Neanderthal ancestry to your sleep type. As we’ve grown, the people who’ve tried Helix have had some great things to say.
—Dot One Personalized Scarf owner
“Believe me, it’s so simple… I want to order them all!”
—Vinome Wine Explorer user
“I got my results back today and I was so giddy poring through them.”
—HumanCode DNAPassport user
“Who knew that spitting in a tube could be so revealing?”
—Helix user
“3 words: greatest selfie ever!”
—Dot One Personalized Print owner
“Very cool information—and affordable.”
—HumanCode DNAPassport user
“A Dot One print is the perfect decor for any #DNAnerd like myself.”
—Dot One Personalized Print owner
“I invited a few friends to get theirs so we can compare!”
—HumanCode DNAPassport user
We’re blushing!
Are you the next person to have a great Helix experience? Shop the Helix Store to start unlocking your DNA’s potential today.