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Life Sciences

Harnessing clinico-genomics from drug discovery to commercialization

Empowering life sciences to bring innovative precision therapies to patients faster through the power of real-world linked clinico-genomic datasets in a range of germline therapeutic areas.

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Seamless recruitment workflows resulting in highly differentiated, diverse clinico-genomic datasets


Patient Diversity

Rapidly growing program with 1M+ committed clinico-genomic records from a diverse patient population across the US


Unprecedented Depth

Whole Exome+® sequencing (WES) and longitudinal clinical data including lab results with regular data refreshes

Selected People Duotone

Targeted Enrollment

Direct recruitment and enrollment from EHR system based upon Granular genomic and phenotypic signature

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Full consent for recontact for enrollment in research studies, clinical trials, surveys and testing

Accelerate Your Efforts Across the Drug Development Process

Discovery & Preclinical

Target Discovery and Validation

  • Understand genetic drivers of disease progression and clinical outcomes of patients with a wide array of conditions
  • Validation of drug candidates of interest in custom cohorts and independent dataset(s)

Clinical Development

Patient Identification and Recruitment

  • Rapid identification and recruitment based on genetic and/or phenotypic criteria
  • FFS whole exome sequencing to drive further genetic insights


Regulatory and Diagnostics

  • Post-market safety and efficacy surveillance studies
  • CDx development through external global partnerships

Research-Ready linked clinico-genomic cohort for a range of therapeutic areas

Cardiovascular Diseases Cohort Overview Sheet

Clinico-genomic cohort for Cardiovascular conditions with longitudinal clinical data including diagnosis, lab results, prescription data all linked to Exome sequencing data.

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Metabolic Diseases Cohort Overview Sheet

GLP-1 agonist treated clinico-genomic cohort of recontactable individuals for major Metabolic conditions like Diabetes and Obesity.

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Autoimmune Diseases Cohort Overview Sheet

Linked clinico-genomic cohort covering a diverse population with major conditions like Lupus, IBD, Rheumatoid Arthritis Hashimoto's and many more.

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The analysis of these large datasets in collaboration with Renown could help identify genetic variants that impact the risk of developing NASH and thereby advance the discovery and development of new treatments for this disease.

John McHutchison, AO, MD

Chief Scientific Officer and Head of Research and Development, Gilead Sciences

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To learn more about how we can work together, complete this form and we’ll be in touch soon.