ResearchNov 21, 2024Underestimated risk of secondary complications in pathogenic and glucose-elevating GCK variant carriers with type 2 diabetes
Press ReleasesNov 13, 2024Helix Debuts Novel Precision Effectiveness Model That Predicts 12-Month Weight Loss Response of Semaglutide in Diverse Populations
ResearchNov 4, 2024A novel method for predicting Lp(a) levels from routine outpatient genomic testing identifies those at risk of cardiovascular disease across a diverse cohort
Press ReleasesOct 30, 2024Helix to Showcase the Impact of Clinico-Genomic Research on Clinical Care and Drug Discovery at ASHG Annual Meeting
ResearchAug 6, 2024Reduced Likelihood of Hospitalization With the JN.1 or HV.1 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Variants Compared With the EG.5 Variant
Blog Dec 29, 2023Optimizing Mammogram Screenings: A Genetic Approach to a Personalized Screening Schedule
ResearchDec 21, 2023Proportion of Hospitalizations Preventable with Increased Oral SARS-CoV-2 Antiviral Treatment